科室简介: 北京中医医院药学部2012年9月被确定为国家中医药管理局临床中药重点学科培育单位,拥有300万元的实验设备,学科梯队建设合理,发展方向明确,在学科带头人的领导下,努力提高科研、教学及管理等方面的水平,重点培养年轻的后备学科带头人,为以后该学科学术的发展奠定基础。药剂科发展近五十年,自上世纪八十年代初期逐渐形成了稳定的科研方向,并建立了一支老中青团结协作的创新型研究团队,与临床合作研发了192种特色制剂,2011年被授予北京市药剂质控中心主任单位、北京市示范中药房的称号,并成为国家中医药管理局临床中药重点专科建设单位。
Clinical pharmacy key disciplines of State Administration of TCM Profile
Beijing Hospital of TCM Pharmacy was identified as the cultivation unit of clinical pharmacy key disciplines of State Administration of TCM in September 2012, with a value of 300 million laboratory equipment. It has a reasonable academic team and a clear development direction. Under the leadership of the academic leaders, it improves research, teaching and management level, focuses on training young reserve academic leaders, to lay the foundation for future guidance of the academic development in all aspects. It has developed nearly five decades and gradually formed a stable direction of scientific research since the early 1980s. It also builds an innovative research team where the elderly, middle-aged and young people work together with solidarity and cooperation, and it designs about 192 kinds of specialty formulations in collaboration with clinical. In 2011, it was awarded the leader unit of Beijing pharmaceutical quality control center, the Beijing demonstration pharmacy, and the construction unit of clinical pharmacy key specialty of State Administration of TCM.