科室简介: 北京中医医院急诊科是一个传统医学与现代医学相结合,主要承担医院各种急危重患者首诊医疗的临床科室。设急诊门诊、抢救室、急诊留观、急诊病房、重症监护病房,配备有专用的化验室、放射诊断室、物理诊断室、药房、煎药室,24小时提供内科、外科、妇科等急危重症的中西医结合诊疗服务。现有观察床位18张,重证抢救床位2张,急诊病房床位8张,重症监护室床位6张。配备中央监护系统、呼吸机及除颤器等先进抢救设备,重症抢救室按国际流行方式设立了医疗抢救柱,将氧气、负压吸引器、监护输液泵、除颤器等抢救设备全部安装在医疗抢救柱上,优化了急诊抢救操作的程序,配备了多功能床、最先进的中央监护设备及先进的连续血液动力学监测设备,可以完成对危重患者的呼吸、心电、血液动力学的多功能监护,为患者提供了更加有力的生命支持。同时具有老中青三代年富力强的医疗护理队伍,对临床常见急危重证具有较强的救治能力。由于北京中医医院急诊科具有中医、中西医结合及现代医学多种医疗手段,因而在抢救急危重证病人方面独具特色。现代化的抢救设备与各种急诊必备中成药,使祖国传统医学与现代科学技术有机结合,为各种危急重症患者创造了更多的生命支持与康复机会。
Emergency department of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital—Capital university of Medical science
Emergency dpt. Of Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is a Chinese medicine and western medicine integrative medical department. It mainly undertakes the first consultation and treatment of critical illness. Now the emergency dpt. has been contrasted as the clinical research establishment of traditional Chinese emergentology, which is affiliated to the State Administration of Traditional Chinese medicine. Under the led of the brief physicians and the associate brief physicians, the emergency dpt. possesses a skillful and experienced medical team, which consists of young and middle—aged medical personnel. By adopting the methods of traditional Chinese medicine、Chinese and western integrative medicine and various of modern medicine, the dpt. successfully treat many kinds of common critical illness. 15 observation beds, 2 emergency beds, 8 ICU beds, the emergency dpt. is equipped with advanced central monitoring system、ventilators、blood filters、defibrillators and other modern medical equipments. During the rescue process of cardio/cerebrovascular disease、respiratory disease、severe sepsis、any kinds of high fever and acute poisoning, the Emergency dpt. is coming to set up a series of medical specification which adopts modern medical rescue methods, and also insists on highlighting traditional medical characteristics. At the same time the emergency dpt. reserves all kinds of necessary Chinese patent medicine in rescue process . All the medical personnel take their efforts to assure every patient can receive the most timely、effective and sufficient treatment. The emergency dpt. insists on the principle of “serving the people, quality—oriented, and embodying the traditional medical characteristics. Serving sincerely and trying their best to make every patient get the most effective treatment and sincere service”. In order to benefit the patients, the emergency dpt. has simplified the hospitalization flow, performs the rule of “ three--grades physician ward visiting”, treats patients by means of Chinese integrative medicine. All members of the medical care team will be ready to supply the most timely、effective and sufficient treatment, and also offer the satisfied medical service to every patient who is acute and serious ill.