科室简介: 暨南大学附属第一医院病理科是华南地区较早建立起来的临床病理教学和诊断基地,具有招收病理学硕士、博士研究生的资格,是广东省病理学会副主任委员单位。科室有多名正、副高级技术职称的医生,专业造诣深厚,工作经验丰富,技术设备齐全,在广东省享有较高的学术声誉。我科开展常规病理检查、术中快速冰冻、疑难病例会诊、细胞学检查、尸体解剖等项目,并开展电子显微镜、免疫组化、原位杂交等多项检查项目,年诊断量达6000多例。目前承担国家、省、市、校、院级多项科研项目。我们将竭尽所能为病患提供最优质的病理诊断与服务。
The Department of Clinical Pathology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University is one of the early-founded departments for pathology teaching and diagnosis in South China. Our Department is headed by a vice-chairperson of Guangdong Pathological Association and it has the enrollment of postgraduates of pathology with master’s and doctor’s degrees. Among our staff members, most of us have professional titles, including specialist doctors with the title of professor or associate professor. It is a prestigious province-level pathology department with well excellent and experienced medical personnels and a variety of advanced medical equipments. Our department performs many sorts of examinations which include regular pathological examinations,frozen sectioning examinations,difficult cases consultations,cytopathological examinations,autopsies,electronic microscopic checks,immunohistochemical examinations and in situ hybridization tests,etc. And we perform more than 6000 examinations a year. Here a number of pathology researches at different levels (including national,provincial,municipal,the university and college levels)are being conducted.We will make all our efforts to ceaselessly provide the best pathological diagnosis and service to each patient。