科室简介: 暨南大学附属第一医院胸心外科具有雄厚的技术力量!已有多名医师在欧洲最著名的、位于柏林的“德国心脏中心”和柏林胸科医院工作和学习过,最长的已在柏林工作了5年,与德国方面建立了良好的合作关系,相互间进行不定期互访和学术交流,对于一些疑难杂症或临床工作中碰到的难以解决的技术问题,必要时请外籍专家会诊。
The cardiothoracic surgery of our hospital has considerable advantage in medical technology. Several doctors have worked or studied in the most famous European heart center (Deutsches Herzzentrum Berlin) or the Thoracic Hospital in Berlin. Even the longest working time in Berlin of some doctors lasted for 5 years, therefore, our hospital has established a sort of good cooperative relationship with Germany and pay mutual visit and carry out academic exchange in some way. As for some symptoms which are not easily-handled or some technical problems we met with in clinical work, we usually invite some foreign experts to treat.
We have developed the diagnosis and treatment of some cardiothoracic diseases, such as congenital and acquired heart diseases, benign and malign tumors of the lung, benign and malign pathological changes of the esophagus and the tumors rooting in mediastinum, and achieved satisfactory effects. For some special characteristic treatment such as providing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) for the patients afflicted with hypertension and coronary heart disease, the patients have come back to social activities. Additionally, our department also developed minimal invasive surgery (Video-assisted Thoracic Surgery, VATS) with the lightly-hurt and quickly-recovered character which can not only reduce the patients’ pains, but shorten their hospital stay. These advantages attract the appeal of many patients.