• 围术期心肌保护
• 术后疼痛管理
• PSD95在神经病理性疼痛中的作用
• 骨癌痛发生的分子生物学机制
• 冠心病患者非心脏手术的麻醉策略研究
• 2001-2006 中国协和医科大学 博士
• 1996-2001 北京医科大学 学士
1. 许力,黄宇光:ICU病人规范化的镇静评估与用药 临床麻醉学杂志 2004;20(2):107-108
2. 许力,赵晶,黄宇光,罗爱伦:术中保温对患者核心体温的影响 中华外科杂志 2004;42(16):1010-1013
3. 许力,岳建英,黄宇光,罗爱伦:剖宫产术后患者左旋布比卡因、罗哌卡因与布比卡因混合芬太尼硬膜外镇痛的效应 中华麻醉学杂志 2004;24(11):813-815
4. 许力,黄宇光:围术期体温降低及其预防 中华实用医学 2005;7(6):44-47
5. Li Xu, Yuguang Huang, Nan Yang, Pingping Zuo, Xuerong Yu Jianying Yue: Role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in spinal cord release of the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α. 2005 ASA annual meeting.(abstract)
6. Li Xu, Yuguang Huang, Nan Yang, Pingping Zuo, Xuerong Yu, Jianying Yue, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase is activated after chronic constriction injury of the sciatic nerve in rats and contributes to the generation of neuropathic pain . ASA 2005 Annual Meeting.
7. Li Xu, Yuguang Huang, Nan Yang, Pingping Zuo, Xuerong Yu, Jianying Yue. The influence of p38MAPK inhibitor on the release of the inflammatory cytokine TNF-αin DRG of rats with chronic constrictive injury ASA 2006 Annual Meeting USA
8. Li Xu, Jianying Yue, Yuguang Huang, Ailun Luo. Postoperative epidural analgesia with levobupivacaine for cesarean section: a double-blind, randomized comparison of ropivacaine and racemic bupivacaine. ASA 2005 Annual Meeting
9. Li Xu, Yuguang Huang, Nan Yang, Pingping Zuo, Xuerong Yu, Jianying Yue:The role of p38MAPK in spinal cord release of the inflammatory cytokine TNF-αin the CCI rats. 2007 IARS annual meeting, Orlando, US
10. Li Xu, Yuguang Huang, Xuerong Yu, Jianying Yue, Nan Yang, Pingping Zuo: The influence of p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase inhibitor on synthesis of inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha in spinal cord of rats with chronic constriction injury. Anesth Analg, 2007: 105:(6):1838-1844.
11. 许力,黄宇光,虞雪融,岳建英,罗爱伦,杨楠,左萍萍 脊髓背角p38MAPK活化在大鼠神经病理性痛形成中的作用. 中华麻醉学杂志,2007,27:795-798.
12. 许力,黄宇光. 细胞因子和胶质细胞在神经病理性疼痛中的作用. 国际麻醉学与复苏杂志,2008,29(3):240-243.
13. Li Xu, Chunhua Yu, Yuguang Huang. Maintenance of normothermia in patients with coronary artery disease undergoing non cardiac surgery. 2008 ASA Annual Meeting.