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简介:杨杰,男,主治医师,讲师,医学硕士。2003年毕业于南京医科大学,从事泌尿外科、教学和科研工作10年,能够熟练处理泌尿外科各种常见病、多发病。专业研 究方向为前列腺癌的基础、临床研究及综合治疗。


1.Polymorphisms of metabolic enzyme genes, living habits and prostate cancer susceptibility. Front in Biosci. 2006,11(1) 2052-2060
2.Genetic polymorphisms in cytochrome P450 1A1 and 2E1 genes, smoking, drinking and prostate cancer susceptibility. Int J Uro. 2006,6(13):773-780.
3.Increased expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF-C and VEGF receptor-3 in prostate cancer. Asian J Andro. 2006, 8 (2): 169–175.
4.Infections are not a necessary condition for the formation of genitourinary calculi. J Androl. 2012;33(1):52.
5.The risks, degree of malignancy and clinical progression of prostate cancer associated with the MDM2 T309G polymorphism: a meta-analysis. Asian J Androl. 2012;14(5):726-31.
6.Prostate cancer risk and aggressiveness associated with the CYP1B1 4326C/G (Leu432Val) polymorphism: a meta-analysis of 2788 cases and 2968 controls. Asian J Androl. 2012; 14(4): 560-5.
1.The ejaculatory duct ectopically invading the bladder with multiple congenital malformations of the homolateral urogenital system: a report of a rare case and an embryological review. Asian J Andro. 2009, 11: 379-384
2.The Composition and Structure of Stones in Enlarged Prostatic Utricles (EPUs). J Androl. 2010 Dec 16.


1. 参加江苏省自然科学基金一项:基因多态性与环境危险因素在前列腺癌发病中的交互作用
2. 与日本顺天堂大学合作课题:肾移植术后免疫耐受的动物实验及临床研究。

