擅长:高血压 冠心病 心律失常等心血管病的诊断与药物治疗;冠状动脉造影 血管内支架植入 射频消融术等介入诊疗的前瞻指导与术后维护。在临床实...
Dr. Xu Guochen, associate chief physician, specializes in cardiovascular diseases.
Dr. Xu graduated from the department of medicine (six-year course) of the Fourth Military Medical University in 1989, and was awarded Medical Bachelor Degree. He majored cardiovascular diseases at graduate school of the Fourth Military Medical University from 1991 to 1994, and was awarded Master Degree of Medical Science. He majored in cardiovascular pharmacology at the department of pharmacology of the Fourth Military Medical University and Angiocardiopathy Institute of Peking University People's Hospital from 2002 to 2005, and was awarded Doctoral Degree of Medical Science.
Dr. Xu studied for master degree under supervision of professors Zhang Ningzi and Du Riying, and his research was focused on Preventing/Curing PTA/PTCA Postoperative Acute Closure and Chronic Restenosis by using Stent for Key Technologies Research and Development Program of the army during the 8th Five-Year Plan Period. He successfully developed the first domestic stainless steel coronary stent in China.
Dr. Xu’s doctoral study on pharmacogenomics of individualized treatment of lipid metabolism disorder was conducted under supervision of professors Mei Qibing and Hu Dayi. Meanwhile Dr. Xu initiated the investigation on drug interactions, clinical individualized treatment genetic polymorphism.
Dr. Xu has been working on evidence-based cardiovascular medicine since 2000. He has published more than 20 research articles, and participated in compiling of two cardiovasculogical monographs, and won the Prize for the Excellent Papers in China Technology Conference on TCM co-sponsored by Ministry of Public Health, State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and The General Logistics Department of PLA in 2000. He presented orally his study on pharmacogenomics of individualized treatment of lipid metabolism disorder at the International Conference of Asian Youth Specialist Forum on Angiocardiopathy in Singapore in 2004.