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简介:游晶,女,泰国宋卡王子大学医学博士,教授,主任医师,硕士生导师,云南省中青年学术和技术带头人,昆明医学院骨干教师,师从于国际著名医学家Virasakdi C.教授、Hutcha S.教授及Alan G.教授。自1984年工作后一直从事内科学、感染病学的临床、科研和教学工作。多次被评为职业道德先进个人、先进工作者、优秀医师、优秀教师等。主持/参加完成国际科研基金项目、省级科研基金项目、卫生部国际合作项目等10多项。在国内外核心期刊发表学术论文60余篇,被美国科学引文索引(SCI)收录12篇。获科技成果奖多项。参加国际学术会议进行学术交流20多次。国内外多家杂志(Hepatology International, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, World Journal of Gastroenterology, Journal of Medical Virology, Clinical Epidemiology, Clinical Hepatology, Philippine Journal Science, Current Topic in Virology, Journal of Clinical Hepatology, World Journal of Infection, et al)编委及审稿专家。擅长各种病毒性肝炎及肝病的临床诊断治疗和科学研究。

[1]Jing You, Lin Zhuang, Yi-Feng Zhang, Hong-Ying Chen, Hutcha Sriplung, Alan Geater, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Teerha Piratvisuth, Edward McNeil, Lan Yu, Bao-Zhang Tang, Jun-Hua Huang. Peripheral T-lymphocyte subpopulations in different clinical stages of chronic HBV infection correlate with HBV load. World J Gastroenterol 2009;15(27):3382-3393 (SCI 收录)
[2]Jing You, Hutcha Sriplung, Alan Geater, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Lin Zhuang, Yun-Li Li, Hua Lei, Jun Liu, Hong-Ying Chen, Bao-Zhang Tang, Jun-Hua Huang. Impact of viral replication inhibition by entecavir on peripheral T lymphocyte subpopulations in chronic hepatitis B patients. BMC Intectious Diseases, 2008, 8:123 (SCI 收录)
[3]Jing You, Hutcha Sriplung, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Alan Geater, Lin Zhuang, Jun-Hua Huang, Hong-Ying Chen, Lan Yu, Bao-Zhang Tang. Profile, spectrum and significance of hepatitis B virus genotypes in chronic HBV-infected patients in Yunnan, China. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int 2008;7(3):271-279 (SCI 收录)
[4]Jing You, Hutcha Sriplung, Alan Geater, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Lin Zhuang, Hong-Ying Chen, Lang Yu, Bao-Zhang Tang, Jun-Hua Huang. Effect of viral load on T-lymphocyte failure in patients with chronic hepatitis B. World J Gastroenterol, 2008,14(7):1112-1119 (SCI 收录)
[5]Jing You, Hutcha Sriplung, Alan Geater, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Lin Zhuang, Hong-Ying Chen, Jun-Hua Huang, Bao-Zhang Tang. HBV DNA is more powerful than HBeAg in predicting peripheral T-lymphocyte subpopulation in chronic HBV-infected individuals with normal liver function tests. World J Gastroenterol, 2008,14(23):3710-3718 (SCI 收录)
[6]Jing You, Lin Zhuang, Hong-Ying Cheng, Shou-Ming Yan, Lan Yu, Jun-Hua Huang, Bao-Zhang Tang, Meng-Ling Huang, Yong-Liang Ma, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Hutcha Sriplung, Alan Geater, Yan-Wei Qiao, Rong-Xue Wu. Efficacy of Thymosin alpha-1 and Interferon alpha in the Treatment of Chronic Viral Hepatitis B: A Randomized Controlled Study. World J Gastroenterol 2006,12(41):6715-6721 (SCI 收录)
[7]Yanhua Che, Sawitri Assanangkornchai, Edward McNeil, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Jianhua Li, Alan Geater, Jing You. Predictors of early dropout in methadone maintenance treatment program in Yunnan province, China. Drug Alcohol Rew 2010;29(3):263-7 (SCI 收录)
[8]Yanhua Che, Sawitri Assanangkornchai, Edward McNeil, Jianhua Li, Jing You, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong. Patterns of attendance in methadone maintenance treatment program in Yunnan Province, China. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2011;37(3):148-54 (SCI 收录)
[9]Bao Zhang Tang, Jing You, Hong Ying Chen, Lu Zhang, Gao Chen. Therapeutic effect of Lamivudine on subacute hepatic failure with hepatitis B virus infection. Current Topics in Virology, 2007; 6:41-45
[10]Jing You, Li-Fan Yuan, Yi-Feng Zhang, Hai-Qiu Yang, Lin Zhuang, Hong-Ying Chen, Jun-Hua Huang, Bao-Zhang Tang, Hui Wang. The relationship of peripheral T cell subsets and serum transforming growth factor β1 level in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatol Int, 2009,3:35
[11]Jing You, Lin Zhuang, Hutcha Sriplung, Alan Geater, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Yun-Li Li, Hua Lei, Jun Liu, Hong-Ying Chen, Bao-Zhang Tang, Jun-Hua Huang. Entecavir therapy for up to 48 weeks in Chinese patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B. Hepatol Int, 2009,3:119
[12]Lin Zhuang, Jing You, Yi-Feng Zhang, Yun-Li Li, Hua Lei, Rui-Dong Yang, Hong-Ying Chen, Jun-Hua Huang, Bao-Zhang Tang. Adefovir dipivoxil for treatment of lamivudine-resistant hepatitis B e antigen- positive chronic hepatitis B. Hepatol Int, 2009,3:133
[13]Jing You, Xu Zhang, Lin Zhuang, Hong-Ying Chen, Bao-Zhang Tang, Qing-Qing Wang, Li Chen. The relationship between HBV precore region mutation and the variation of T-lymphocyte subpopulations in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Int J Infect Dis, 2009,13(Suppl 1):S72
[14]Lin Zhuang, Jing You, Hong-Ying Chen, Bao-Zhang Tang, Meng-Ling Huang, Yong-Liang Ma, Jun-Hua Huang, Rong-Xue Wu. Thymosin alpha-1 therapy in Chinese patients with chronic hepatitis B: results from a randomized controlled clinical trial. Int J Infect Dis, 2009,13(Suppl 1):S80
[15]Jing You, Fang-Rong Zhang, Xu Zhang, Hui Wang, Li-Fang Yuan, Hong-Ying Chen, Qion-Fen Li, Guo-Yan Bai, Lin Zhuang, Bao-Zhang Tang, Jun-Hua Huang. The variation of serum level of interleukin-15 and it’s significances in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatol Int, 2010,4:103
[16]Jing You, Hui Wang, Hong-Ying Chen, Yi-Hui Chen, Zhi-Wen Duan, Xing-Xing Shi, Li-Wen Yang, Yan-Ping Liang, Lin Zhuang, Bao-Zhang Tang, Jun-Hua Huang. The variation of peripheral T-lymphocyte subpopulations and serum Interferon-γ and Interleukin-4 level in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection. Hepatol Int, 2010,4:112
[17]Jing You, Lin Zhuang, Hong-Ying Chen, Jun-Hua Huang, Bao-Zhang Tang, Meng-Lin Huang. Variation in liver histopathology in chronic HBV-infected individuals with normal liver function tests correlates with HBV replication. Hepatol Int, 2010,4:16
[18]Lin Zhuang, Jing You, Lei Kong, Hua Lei, Rui-Dong Yang, Xu Zhang, Qing-Qing Wang. Efficacy of 96 weeks adefovir dipivoxil treatment in HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B patients with various baseline biochemical levels. Hepatol Int, 2010,4:19
[19]Jing You, Qing-Qing Wang, Lin Zhuang, Xia Feng, Rui-Dong Yang, Rong Liu, Hong-Ying Chen, Hui-Juan Yang, Qiang-Ming Sun, Yong-Sheng Zhang, Qiong-Feng Li, Li Chen, Hai-Qiu Yang, Yi-Feng Zhang, Hong Dai, Zhi-Wen Duan. The role of Interleukin-12p70 in dengue virus infection. Int J Infect Dis, 2010,14S2:S14
[20]Lin Zhuang, Jing You, Lei Kong, Hua Lei, Hong-Ying Chen, Qing-Qing Wang. Prevalence of Transfusion transmitted virus in patients with viral liver disease. Int J Infect Dis, 2010,14S2:S57
[21]Jing You, Xia Feng, Rui-Dong Yang, Rong Liu, Qing-Qing Wang, Hong-Ying Chen, Hui-Juan Yang, Qiang-Ming Sun, Yong-Sheng Zhang, Qiong-Feng Li, Li Chen, Hai-Qiu Yang, Yi-Feng Zhang, Hong Dai, Zhi-Wen Duan. A shift from a Th1 to a Th2 immune response in patients with dengue virus infection. Int J Infect Dis, 2010,14S2:S94
[22]Jing You, Lin Zhuang, Hong-Ying Chen, Xia Feng, Yan-Hua Che, Ying-Li Cun, Yi-Feng Zhang, Yon-Sheng Zhang, Bao-Zhang Tang, Meng-Ling Huang, Yong-Liang Ma, Jun-Hua Huang, Shao-Ming Yan, Qing-Qing Wang, Li Chen, Chao Chen, Jun-Min Li. Interferon therapy decreased the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B: a prospective cohort study. Hepatol Int, 2011,5:102
[23]Lin Zhuang, Jing You, Shao-Ming Yan, Jun-Hua Huang, Lei Kong, Hua Lei, Yan-Li Ma, Yun-Li Li, Hong-Ying Chen, Bao-Zhang Tang, Qing-Qing Wang, Xu Zhang, Li Chen, Jun-Ming Li, Chao Chen. Long-term therapy with adefovir dipivoxil for lamivudine-resistant HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B: results from 104 weeks antiviral treatment. Hepatol Int, 2011,5:109
[24]Jing You, Lin Zhuang, Hong-Ying Chen, Xia Feng, Lei Kong, Hua Lei, Yan-Li Ma, Yun-Li Li, Wei-Bo Yang, Jun-Hua Huang, Shao-Ming Yan, Yan-Hua Che, Qing-Qing Wang, Li Chen. Long-term therapy with adefovir dipivoxil for HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B: results from 144 weeks adefovir dipivoxil treatment. Int J Infect Dis, 2011,15S2:S30
[25]Jing You, Lin Zhuang, Jun-Hua Huang, Yan-Hua Che, Shao-Ming Yan, Hua Lei, Lei Kong, Yun-Li Li, Hong-Ying Chen, Bao-Zhang Tang, Qing-Qing Wang, Yan-Li Ma, Li Chen, Hai-Bing Wang. Severity of hepatic inflammation and fibrosis in patients with chronic HBV infection with normal liver function test correlated with viral load and HBeAg status. Int J Infect Dis, 2011,15S2:S69
[26]Lin Zhuan, Jing You, Shao-Ming Yan, Jun-Hua Huang, Lei Kong, Hua Lei, Yan-Li Ma, Yun-Li Li, Hong-Ying Chen, Bao-Zhang Tang, Qing-Qing Wang, Xu Zhang, Li Chen, Hai-Bing Wang, Jun-Ming Li, Chao Chen. HBV and HCV infection play an important role in the progression to liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma in alcoholics. Int J Infect Dis, 2011,15S2:S69
[27]游晶, 庄 林, 马永良, 唐宝璋. 慢性乙型肝炎的Th细胞亚群和细胞因子网络失衡. 世界华人消化杂志,2007;15(8):791-799
[28]游晶, 袁丽芳, 陈红英, 唐宝璋, 王辉. TGF-β1与慢性乙型肝炎的关系. 世界华人消化杂志,2007;15(8):869-872
[29]游晶, 庄林, 陈红英, 杨海秋, 唐宝璋, 黄梦玲. 乙型肝炎病毒基因型及其临床意义的研究进展. 世界华人消化杂志,2007;15(9):921-928
[30]王辉, 游晶, 袁丽芳, 陈红英, 唐宝璋. 辅助性T细胞的研究概况及进展. 世界华人消化杂志,2007;15(13):1532-1536
[31]游晶, 庄林, 陈红英, 台虹, 宋建新, 欧阳红梅, 唐宝璋, Hutcha Sriplung Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Alan Geater, 张一凤, 杨海秋, 黄俊华. 国人慢性HBV携带者HBV复制水平与T细胞亚群变化的关系. 世界华人消化杂志,2007;15(35):3722-3727
[32]庄林, 游晶, 陈红英, 俞岚, 孔雷, 唐宝章, 黄俊华, 袁绍明, Hutcha Sriplung, Virasakdi Chongsuvivatwong, Alan Geater, 袁丽芳, 王辉. 云南地区乙型肝炎病毒基因型分布与临床的相关性. 世界华人消化杂志,2007;15(19):2120-2127
[33]游晶, 庄林, 李云丽, 陈红英, 俞岚, 唐宝章, 黄梦玲, 黄俊华, 袁绍明, 王辉, 袁丽芳. 云南汉族慢性乙型肝炎患者HBV基因型及其临床意义. 中华微生物学和免疫学杂志,2007;27(6):564
[34]陈超, 游晶, 杨微波, 张宏丽, 李俊敏, 戴虹, 张禄,. HIV-1 Nef 作用机制的研究进展. 重庆医学, 2012;41(6)
[35]黄俊华, 游晶. ALT正常的HBV慢性携带者肝组织病理结果分析. 临床肝胆病杂志, 2007;23(1):6-8
[36]庄林, 游晶, 雷华, 李云丽, 孔蕾, 王晴晴, 胡明芬, 柏宝. ALT轻度升高HBV DNA水平不同的慢性乙型肝炎患者肝组织学差异探讨. 临床肝胆病杂志, 2011;27(12):1278-1281,1284

1.The 18th Wonca World Conference (Wonca 2007) . July 24-27, 2007, The Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre, Singapore.
2.The 4th Hong Kong-Shanghai International Liver Congress (ILC 2008) “Molecular Targeting in Liver Disease–From Bench to Besides”, 12-15 June 2008, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong, China.
3.19th Conference of the APASL, 2009, Hong Kong (APASL Hong Kong 2009), 13-16 February 2009, Hong Kong
4.3rd Ditan International Conference on Infectious Diseases (3rd DICID 2009), 30 July- 2 Ausust 2009, Beijing
5.14th International Congress on Infectious Diseases (ICID), 2010, Miami, Florida, USA, 9-12 March 2010, Miami, Florida, USA.
6.20th Conference of the APASL, 2010, Beijing, 25-28 March 2010, China National Convention Centre, Beijing, China.
7.4th Ditan International Conference on Infectious Diseases (DICID), 15-18 July 2010, Beijing International Convention Centre, China
8.The 61st Annual Meeting of The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 29 October- 2 November 2010, Boston Hynes Convention Center, USA.
9.The 21th Conference of the APASL, 2011, Bangkok, 17-20 February 2011, Bangkok, Thailand.
10.5th Ditan International Conference on Infectious Diseases (DICID), 14-18 July 2011, Beijing International Convention Centre, China
11.The 62nd Annual Meeting of The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD), November 4-8, 2011, Moscone West Convention Center, San Francisco, California, USA