简介:范玉华,女,副主任医师,副教授,神经功能科主任。擅长脑血管病的治疗和预防,熟悉神经内科各种疾病的诊治。 广东省医学会神经病学分会脑血管病学组秘书,广东省医学会神经病学分会神经急危重症学组组员,广东省医学会肠外肠内营养分会神经营养学组秘书兼组员。
1.Fan Yuhua, Liao Songjie, Yu Jian, Ling Li, Hou Qinghua, Xing Shihui, Zeng Jinsheng. Idiopathic hypertrophic cranial pachymeningitis manifested by transient ischemic attack. Med Sci Monit, 2009; 15(12): CS178-181
2.Sun Jian, Soo Yannie Oi, Lam Wynnie Wai, Wong Ka Sing, Zeng Jin Sheng, Fan Yu Hua (通讯作者)Different distribution patterns of cerebral microbleeds in acute ischemic stroke patients with and without hypertension. Eur Neurol. 2009; 62(5): 298-303
3.Fan Yuhua, Liangfu Zhu, Songjie Liao, Jinsheng Zeng Anxiety disorders mimic recurrent transient ischemic attacks: two case reports. Am J Case Rep 2008; 9 CR196-199
4.Fan Yuhua, Mok Vincent C.T., Lam Wynnie W.M., Hui Andrew C. F., Wong Kasing. Microbleeds and white matter changes in patients hospitalized with lacunar infarcts. Journal of Neurology. 2004; 251(5): 537-541
5.Fan Yuhua, Zhang Lei, Lam Wynnie W.M., Mok Vincent C.T. and Wong Ka Sing. Cerebral microbleeds as a risk factor for subsequent intracerebral hemorrhages among patients with acute ischemic stroke. Stroke. 2003; 34 (10): 2459-2462
6.Fan Yuhua, Lam Wynnie W.M., Mok Vincent C.T., Huang Ruxun and Wong KaSing. Variability and validity of a simple visual rating scale in grading white matter changes on magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Neuroimaging. 2003; 13 (3): 255-258
1. 参编《内科急症治疗学》,上海科学技术出版社,谢灿茂主编。
2. 参编《危重症加强监护治疗学》,人民卫生出版社,谢灿茂主编。