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简介:杨士强,眼科学博士,从事斜弱视专业十余年。2013年于哈佛医学院儿童医院眼科研修斜视,成为首位在该院研修的大陆医生。2014年在美国斜视与小儿眼科年会做大会发言,讲述眼球后退综合征的斜视手术治疗经验,成为首位在美国斜视年会做大会发言的中国医生。2011年international fellow,跟随当代顶尖斜视与小儿眼科专家Kenneth Wright教授研修。2006-2007年美国Nova Southeastern University访问学者。近年在《JAMA Ophthalmology》,《Vision Research》《中华眼科杂志》等国内外重要杂志发表临床论文多篇。主译《斜视手术策略与技巧》一书。

1. Yang S, MacKinnon S, Dagi LR, Hunter DG. Superior Rectus Transposition vs Medial Rectus Recession for Treatment of Esotropic Duane Syndrome. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2014 Apr 24. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2014.358. [Epub ahead of print]
2. 杨士强 郭新。 下斜肌前转位术后限制上转综合征的手术治疗。中华眼科杂志,2013,7.
3. 杨士强,郭新。相对参照点照相法和骨科量角器法测量代偿头位的比较研究。中华眼科杂志,2012,9.
4. 杨士强,郭新。继发性内斜的手术治疗。中国实用眼科杂志,2011,5.
5. 杨士强,郭新。眶壁骨折后下直肌麻痹的手术治疗。中国实用眼科杂志,2011,3.
6. 杨士强,郭新。鼻窦内窥镜术后内直肌损伤外斜视的手术治疗。中华眼科杂志,2010,11.
7. 杨士强,郭新。垂直肌水平移位术治疗外旋斜视。中国实用眼科杂志,2010,09.
8. Yao P, Yang SQ, Jiang BC, Visual field does not affect steady-state accommodative response and near-work induced transient myopia. Vision Res. 2009,49(4): 490-7.
9. Yang SQ, Cai HY, Zhang JH. Diode laser transcleral cyclophotocoagulation for neovascular glaucoma: a comparison of two treatment protocols. Tianjin Med J, Jun 2007, Vol 35 No 6:428-30

1. Yang SQ. Surgical Treatment for Antielevation Syndrome. Oral presentation in16th Chinese Ophthalmologic Meeting, Sept., 2011
2. Yang SQ. Photographic method was effective to measure abnormal head position. Oral presentation in 13th Chinese Strabismus and Pediatric Ophthalmologic Meeting, Mar., 2011
3. Yang SQ. Horizontal Transposition of the Vertical Rectus Muscles for Excyclotropia. Oral presentation in15th Chinese Ophthalmologic Meeting, 2010
4. Yang SQ. A new procedure for congenital absence of inferior rectus. Oral presentation in 14th Chinese Ophthalmologic Meeting, 2009
5. Yang SQ. Comparison of two modified methods of Harada-Ito procedure. Oral presentation in 14th Chinese Ophthalmologic Meeting, 2009
6. Yang SQ. Effect of peripheral vision on accommodative adaptation in emmetropes and progressing myopes. Oral presentation in 13th Chinese Ophthalmologic Meeting, 2008
7. Yang SQ, Cai HY. Primary quantitive study on diode laser transscleral cyclophotocoagulation for patients with neovascular glaucoma. 10th Chinese Ophthalmologic Meeting bulletin, 2005