从事肿瘤治疗29年,专业特长:长期从事恶性肿瘤的中西医结合预防、治疗、研究。尤其擅长于术后复发转移的中晚期肿瘤综合治疗。对于肺癌和消化系统肿瘤开展了积极有效的基础和临床研究。并成功开展了活血化瘀辅助放化疗减毒增效的观察;积极探索肿瘤微环境下的EPR机制及其表达于生物体的抗癌药物“倒逼”机制。对于癌中之王肝癌的治疗,达到了减轻痛苦,延长寿命,带瘤生存的治疗目的。学术思想:根据《黄帝内经-灵枢-百病始生篇第六十六》:“若内伤于忧怒,则气上逆;气上逆则六输不通,温气不行,凝血蕴裹而不散,津液涩渗,著而不去,则积成矣。”在国内外率先提出了肿瘤瘀毒相关理论和解毒逐瘀疗法。研究涉及文献、病因病机、理法方药、流行病学、药理、病例观察等,其理论和临床论文先后在国际和国内学术会议大会交流并多次荣获国际、国内各学术专业委员会优秀论文奖,5篇研究论文荣获国际抗癌联盟理事汤钊猷院士的感谢状。根据《黄帝内经-素问-奇病论》:“积为导引服药,药不能独治也。” 意思是说:性情易怒忧伤,经络不通,气滞血瘀,导致癌症。癌症应综合意念导引、呼吸导引、姿势导引等整合肿瘤学原理积极配合药物治疗,单纯药物是不行的。 美国德克萨斯州医学中心将草药(中药、藏药、蒙药、苗药),气功(中国自控气功、日本灵气学说、印度瑜伽),心理暗示等归结为整合肿瘤学或称为补充与替代疗法。中国卫生部提出的“治未病”预防工程,受到了钟南山院士、孙燕院士的赞誉支持。再一次表明:“未病先防,既病防变”的社会意义。在国内外率先提出了气功的辩证施功理论与益气化瘀疗法。在山东省肿瘤医院举办了近五十期患者康复培训班。收到了很好的社会效果。该理论和疗法4篇相关研究和临床应用论著在山东中医药大学主办的《齐鲁中医药情报》四期连载。在好大夫在线网站http://kuangjm.haodf.com发表科普论文300篇,访问量逾500万人次。解答患者咨询6000余人。社会反响强烈。成为中医预防保健的网络窗口。临床经验:肿瘤瘀毒的相关理论和解毒逐瘀疗法主要用于中晚期恶性肿瘤,配合化疗、放疗等具有减毒增效的作用。获国家发明专利和实用新型专利各一项。采用新型物理方法破壁的齐鲁灵芝破壁孢子粉鉴定为国际先进水平。(详见优秀论文证书)。
为首发表论文60余篇,其中二十余篇分别获得中国癌症研究基金会、山东省卫生厅、山东省医学科学院、山东省医学会、山东中医药学会、山东中西医结合学会、山东针灸学会、山东青年科技协会、山东中医杂志、山东中医药大学学报、中华常见病临床杂志优秀论文一、二、三等奖。主编参编专著10余部,为首主编的《中西医结合肿瘤诊疗康复指南》获山东省优秀著作奖、山东省医学科学院优秀医学科技成果三等奖。为首承担省、厅级课题6项:1项鉴定为国际先进水平,5项鉴定为国内领先。为首获得山东省中医药科技进步二等奖1项,为首获得山东省医学科技奖(科技创新成果)三等奖1项,为首获得山东省医学科技奖(成果推广应用奖)三等奖1项,为首获得山东省医学科学院优秀医学科技成果三等奖2项。为首获得国家专利2项,名录收入知识产权出版社出版中国发明协会编著《中国当代发明家大辞典》(第二卷)。为首承担山东省“十一五”科技攻关项目1项。为主获得济宁市科学技术委员会科技进步三等奖1项,山东省教育委员会优秀教学成果三等奖1项,参编《现代乳腺肿瘤学》获山东省科学技术委员会科技进步三等奖。接受《齐鲁晚报》、《当代健康报》、《都市女报》、《家庭生活报》、山东《保健》杂志等报刊媒体采访、报道、约稿、发表科普文章20余篇次,并获《山东保健》杂志:“医术人生”栏目专访 。2012年入选山东卫生保健协会主办的“名医会客厅”、“名医手迹”栏目。2013年被金乡县政协委员会主办的《委员天地》杂志收录“天南地北金乡人”栏目。带教下级医师、硕士研究生、进修医师25名。参加国际、全国学术会议30余次,大会宣读、交流、壁报交流论文30余篇。获得GCP、SOP和伦理专门培训合格证书,参与药理基地新药研究20余项。第十六届、十七届、十八届全国肿瘤防治宣传周(济南站)受邀嘉宾并参加义诊。2012年4月28日至30日组织举办了第十八届全国肿瘤防治宣传周暨全国肿瘤名医巡回义诊报告会(新疆站)活动,受到新疆生产建设兵团各级领导高度评价,新疆生产建设兵团副司令员宋建业亲切接见和兵团卫生局局长王国建多次批示;山东省卫生厅网站新闻要闻头条全文刊登新疆生产建设兵团感谢函;新疆生产建设兵团党委组织部援疆办在其主办的《人才简报》通报表彰(该简报报送李源潮及中共中央、国务院有关部委司办);《健康报》、《新疆日报》、《兵团日报》、《新疆经济报》、新疆电视台、兵团电视台、乌鲁木齐电视台,人民网、中国民族宗教网、新疆网、新疆天山网、山东卫生厅官网等媒体赞誉报道,并分别于2012年4月17日、8月9日接受了乌鲁木齐人民广播电台的个人采访直播。现兼任新疆生产建设兵团总医院肿瘤科名誉主任、客座教授,山东省中医药科技评审专家,山东中医药大学硕士研究生指导教师,《中华实用医药杂志》专家编辑委员会常务编委,山东《保健》杂志特邀专家,山东抗癌协会癌症康复专业委员会委员,山东中西医结合学会肿瘤专业委员会委员,山东中医药学会脾胃病专业委员会委员,中国癌症研究基金会自控疗法防治肿瘤研究会理事,中国抗癌协会临床协作中心会员,山东卫生保健协会肿瘤康复宣教中心客座教授,首届山东省讲师团班主任,首届山东省卫生保健协会名医讲师团专家成员。先后荣获山东省肿瘤防治研究院(山东省肿瘤医院)先进工作者、山东省医学科学院先进工作者、山东省医学科学院新长征突击手标兵、山东省人民政府机关新长征突击手、中国癌症研究基金会优秀气功师等荣誉称号。2013年根据《山东省人民政府关于扶持中医药事业发展的意见》(鲁政发〔2009〕89号),在于金明院士和山东省医学科学院、山东省肿瘤医院各级领导、专家的关心支持下,荣获山东省卫生厅、山东省人力资源和社会保障厅、山东省中医药管理局联合授予的“山东名中医药专家”荣誉称号。
2.山东省人民政府机关 新长征突击手
3.山东省医学科学院 新长征突击手
4.山东省医学科学院 先进工作者
5.山东省肿瘤防治研究院(山东省肿瘤医院) 先进工作者
6.中国癌症研究基金会自控疗法防治肿瘤研究会 优秀气功师
1. 中国癌症研究基金会自控疗法防治肿瘤研究会 理事
2. 山东卫生保健协会癌症康复分会 副会长、秘书长
3. 山东抗癌协会癌症康复专业委员会 委员
4.《中华实用医药杂志》专家编辑委员会 常务编委
5. 山东中西医结合学会肿瘤专业委员会 委员
6. 山东中医药学会脾胃病专业委员会 委员
7. 山东省卫生保健协会肿瘤康复宣教中心 客座教授
8. 山东省卫生保健协会名医讲师团 专家成员
9. 山东《保健》杂志 特邀专家
1 齐鲁灵芝破壁孢子粉的研制及其抗癌活性的研究
(2008-01-03-51-01)山东医学科技三等奖 首位
2 生物制剂BRM的研制及对恶性肿瘤生物治疗的研究
(Z2007-2-4-1)山东中医药科技进步二等奖 首位
3 中西医结合肿瘤诊疗
2006山东省医学科学院优秀医学科技成果三等奖 首位
4 一种水剂药物组合物及其制备方法与应用
国家发明专利 (ZL2008 1 0014230.8) 首位
5 一种中药加经络导引保健鞋垫
国家实用新型专利 (ZL2005 2 0085709.2) 首位
6 《中西医结合肿瘤诊疗康复指南》
山东省卫生厅颁发山东省优秀著作奖 首位
7 山东省科委暨山东省优秀中青年科学家奖励基金项目“中医药治疗消化系肿瘤生物调节的实验与临床研究” 2002年12月获山东省教委优秀科技成果三等奖。5/5
8 重组白细胞介素Ⅱ治疗单纯疹性角膜炎的临床研究 2002年10月获济宁市科委优秀科技成果三等奖3/5
9 山东科技出版社出版的《现代乳腺肿瘤学》,1997年获山东省科技进步奖评审委员会省科技进步三等奖 参
10 山东中医药管理局项目“化瘀软肝煎治慢性活动性乙型肝炎的临床与实验研究” 1998年被省教委组织鉴定为国内领先。6/6
11 山东中医药管理局项目“中药复方抗丙肝1号治疗丙肝型肝炎的临床与实验研究”,1997年被省教委组织鉴定为国内领先。6/6
12 首届国际中医工程学术年会大会交流论文“中医肿瘤工程学理论及临床应用”,1993年评为山东省医学科学院优秀科技论文三等奖,同时获山东中医药、中西医结合、针灸学会优秀论文三等奖 首位
13 辨证施功理论与益气化瘀疗法,1993年评为中国癌症研究基金会优秀论文 首位
14 癌性发热的辨证论治,1994年评为山东省青年科技协会优秀论文三等奖 首位
15 消增汤治疗乳腺增生病,1998年评为山东省医学科学院优秀科技论文三等奖 首位
16 灵杆菌素治疗化疗后白细胞减少症的疗效观察,1999年12月评为山东省医学科学院优秀科技论文三等奖 首位
17 顺铂在中晚期肺癌中的应用,2001年2月评为《中华常见病临床杂志》优秀科技论文一等奖 首位
18 瑞香抗癌方治疗肿瘤化疗后免疫功能低下30例,2003年12月评为《山东中医杂志》《山东中医药大学学报》优秀论文二等奖 首位
19 中西医结合治疗原发性肝癌的序贯疗法,2004年7月评为山东医学会优秀论文一等奖 首位
20 论原发性肝癌的瘀毒相关机制,2004年7月评为山东医学会优秀论文一等奖 首位
21 中医肿瘤工程学临床应用系统研究,1993年评为山东中医学会优秀论文三等奖 首位
1 . 2004年7月中国人事出版社出版《中西医结合肿瘤诊疗康复指南》 主编
2 . 2001年5月济南出版社出版《简明医古文语法》副主编
3. 科学出版社出版《中医皮肤病学》 编委
4. 天津科技翻译出版公司出版《内科病最新治疗》第 三 辑 首位
5 . 1996年10月山东科技出版社出版《现代乳腺肿瘤学》 编委
6 . 2004年7月山东文化音像出版社出版《中西医结合肿瘤学进展》编委
1 1999年 “从结构与机能的统一原则看耳穴对应整体 部位之间的信息传递机制” 《全息生物医学杂志》(美) 首位
2 1999年 “时辰气功与肿瘤康复” 《时间医学杂志》(美) 首位
3 1999年 “柴胡疏肝散合二陈汤治疗药物性肝损害” 《临床肿瘤学杂志》 首位
4 1998年 “消增汤治疗乳腺增生病” 《山东中医杂志》 首位
5 1996年 “顺铂治疗184例中晚期肺癌疗效观察” 《齐鲁肿瘤杂志》 首位
6 1993年 “卡铂与顺铂治疗259例中晚期肺癌临床观察” 《中华肿瘤杂志》 首位
7 1995年 《现代乳腺肿瘤学》 科技出版社
8 1994年 《中医皮肤病学》 科技出版社
9 1999年 “中医理论现代化探析” 《浙江中医学院学报》
10 1999年 “康莱特联合化疗治疗肺癌的观察” 《齐鲁肿瘤杂志》 首位
11 1999年12月 “灵杆菌素治疗化疗后白细胞减少症” 《四川肿瘤防治》 首位
12 2000年6月 “香抗癌方治疗肿瘤化疗后免疫功能低下30例” 《山东中医杂志》 首位
13 2000年9月 “论原发性肝癌的辩病论治” 《中华实用中西医杂志》 首位
14 2000年9月 “瑞香抗癌方对肿瘤免疫调节临床研究” 《中华实用中西医杂志》 首位
15 2002年9月 “十全大补汤对HPF剂量强度调控作用研究” 《中国临床医药杂志》 首位
16 2002年12月 “八珍汤配合HPF方案治疗消化系肿瘤51例” 《山东中医杂志》 首位
17.2000年4月 “瑞香中药治疗中晚期肿瘤” 《世界医药出版社》 首位
18 2001年4月 “顺铂在中晚期肺癌中临床应用” 《中华常见病临床研究》 首位
19 2002年12月 “中药治疗消化道肿瘤51例” 《山东中医杂志》 首位
20 2003年8月 “应用系统论对中医理论体系及发展研究” 《中华医学论坛》 首位
21.2003年9月 “博得克滴鼻法对肿瘤靶向调节研究” 《中华医学论坛》 首位
22 2003年11月 “活血化瘀治疗肿瘤临床应用” 《中华医学论坛》 首位
23 2003年12月 “肌肤康喷涂治疗难治性褥疮临床研究” 《中华腹部疾病杂志》 首位
24 2004年3月 “力尔凡联合化疗治疗恶性胸水临床研究” 《临床肿瘤学杂志》 首位
25 2004年3月 “肿瘤瘀毒相关理论与解毒逐瘀初探” 《临床肿瘤学杂志》 首位
26 1999年12月 “生半夏生南星为主治疗食管癌” 《山东中医杂志》
27 2001年1月 “中西医结合治疗放射性肺炎” 《中华实用中西医杂志》
28 2000年12月 “中西医结合治疗放射性炎40例” 《山东中医杂志》
29 2000年12月 “P12和nm23HI在胃癌中的表达及其临床意义” 《胃肠病和肝病学杂志》
30 2000年3月 “参麦注射液治疗阿霉素所致心脏毒性治疗研究” 《临床肿瘤杂志》
31 2004年3月 “活血化瘀治则的临床应用设计研究” 《临床肿瘤学杂志》 首位
32 2004年3月 “肿瘤的瘀毒相关理论与解毒逐瘀疗法初探” 《临床肿瘤学杂志》 首位
33 2004年3月 “气功的辨证施功理论与益气化瘀疗法” 《临床肿瘤学杂志》 首位
34 2004年3月 “活血化瘀治疗肿瘤的临床应用” 《临床肿瘤学杂志》 首位
35 2004年3月 “‘博得克’对肿瘤靶向调节的系统生 物学研究” 《临床肿瘤学杂志》 首位
36 卡铂与顺铂治疗259例中晚期肺癌临床观察
《中华肿瘤杂志》 首位
37 顺铂治疗184例中晚期肺癌疗效观察
《山东医药》 首位
38 活血化瘀治疗肿瘤的作用机制新探
1989年第二期《齐鲁中医药情报》 首位
39 试论原发性肝癌的瘀毒相关机制
1990年第一期《齐鲁中医药情报》 首位
40 解毒逐瘀药物的现代药理学研究
1990年第二期《齐鲁中医药情报》 首位
41 应用系统论对中医理论体系及其发展的战略研究
1990年第三期《齐鲁中医药情报》 首位
42 气功自控疗法临床治愈食管癌一例
1989年第二期《齐鲁中医药情报》 首位
43 原发性肝癌脾虚肝郁的标本关系及中医对策
《齐鲁中医药情报》 首位
44 气功的辨证施功理论与益气化瘀疗法(一)
《齐鲁中医药情报》 首位
45 气功的辨证施功理论与益气化瘀疗法(二)
《齐鲁中医药情报》 首位
46 气功的辨证施功理论与益气化瘀疗法(三)
《齐鲁中医药情报》 首位
47 气功的辨证施功理论与益气化瘀疗法(四)
《齐鲁中医药情报》 首位
48 乳腺疾病的中医治疗 首位
49 活血化瘀治疗肿瘤的临床应用 首位
50 皮肤肿瘤的辨证论治 首位
51 现代诊断技术在中医肝癌临床中的综合应用 首位
52 现代技术在解毒逐瘀药物药理学特征方面的应用研究 首位
53 解毒逐瘀制剂在原发性肝癌临床中的联合应用 首位
54 原发性肝癌病毒病因学临床研究 首位
55 康健1号医疗保健鞋垫的研制及其科学性、实用性研究 首位
56 癌性发热的辨证论治 首位
57 中医肿瘤工程学理论及其应用 首位
58《黄帝内经》与肝癌临床 首位
59 华蟾素致中药毒报告分析 首位
60 灵芝破壁孢子粉联合化疗治疗恶性肿瘤疗效观察
《山东医药》 首位
61 齐鲁灵芝破壁孢子粉抗癌活性的实验研究
2007年中华肿瘤防治杂志;Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment; 首位
Doctor's Introduction
Kuang Jianmin, male, the chief physician of the internal medicine,the deputy director of With combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine research office, was born in 1963 ,Jiaozhou of Shandong people,and in 1985 graduated from department of medicine in Shandong Traditional Chinese Medicine University, bachelor of science in medicine, Has been engaging Cancer Treatment for 26 years, led by published more than 60 papers, More than 20 papers of them were given China Cancer Research Foundation, Health Department of Shandong province,Shandong Academy of Medical Science ,Shandong Medical Association,Shandong Association for Traditional Chines Medicine,Shandong Institute of TCM combined with Western medicine , Shandong youth science and Technology Association, Shandong Journal of traditional Chinese medicine, Journal of Shandong University of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese Journal of common clinical excellent paper 1st or 2nd, 3rd prize. Was editor or edited than more than 10 books, Headed by Editor in Chief of the Guide to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer with combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine and rehabilitation has won Shandong province's outstanding book award, and Excellent medical science and technology achievement third prize award of Shandong Academy of Medical Science, led by the provincial and departmental-level topic 6: 1 identification to the international advanced level, 5 identified as leading. led by has won one second prize of provincial science and technology progress of Chinese medicine , Access to medical science and technology in Shandong province, led by award (scientific and technological innovations) third prize 1 item, Access to medical science and technology in Shandong province, led by award (Award for popularization and application of results) third prize 1 item. Access to excellent medical science and technology achievements in Shandong Academy of medical sciences led by third 2.Access to national patents, led by 2, list revenue published intellectual property press authored the Grand dictionary of Chinese modern inventor of China invention Association (volume II). led by in Shandong province has assumed "Eleven-Five" scientific and technological research projects 1. Access to Committee on Science and technology progress one third grade prize of science and technology of Jining City,One third Prize for excellent teaching achievements of the Education Committee of Shandong province , edited the modern theory of breast tumors, by the Committee on Science and technology in Shandong science and technology progress third award. Accepted the Qilu Evening News, Journal of Contemporary Health, and the City Lady, and The Family Life Newspaper, Shandong Health Magazines and other print media interviews, reports, make an arrangement in advance, popular science articles published more than 18 papers, And was the Shandong health magazine: "medical life" column interview, Teaching lower level practitioners, postgraduate, refresher doctors 25. Participation in international and national academic conference more than more than 30, the General Assembly read out, exchanges,-bulletin for the exchange of more than 30 papers. Access to GCP, SOP and ethical certificate of specialized training, participation in pharmacological bases more than more than 20 new drug research . Head of the cancer rehabilitation branch of Shandong provincial health care Association (plans), Deputy Chairman of the Secretary-General, Shandong University of traditional Chinese medicine postgraduate tutor, Chinese practical medicine magazine under expert edit Committee Executive Editorial Board, Shandong health magazine invited expert, Shandong anticancer Association cancer rehabilitation Professional Committee members, Members of the Professional Committee of Shandong Institute of tumor with combination of TCM and Western medicine, Shandong Chinese medicine society spleen and stomach disease professional Committee members, China Cancer Research Foundation controlled therapy control tumor society governing, Member of Chinese anti-cancer Association clinical coordination centre, visiting Professor, Shandong Association of health-care centre for rehabilitation of cancer propaganda, Speaker Bureau of Shandong province first class teacher, the first health care associations in Shandong province famous speaker Bureau members of the expert. Has early or late won advanced worker of Shandong Research Institute of the Cancer Prevention and Treatment (Shandong provincial Cancer hospital), the advanced worker of Shandong Academy of Medical Science , the pace-setter model in the new Long March of Shandong Academy of Medical Science, the pace-setter in the new Long March of Shandong provincial people's Government organs,The excellent Chi-Kung master of China Cancer Research Foundation and other honorary titles.
Ⅰ.Honorary titles
1. The pace-setter in the new Long March of Shandong provincial people's Government organs
2. The pace-setter model in the new Long March of Shandong Academy of Medical Science
3. The advanced worker of Shandong Academy of Medical Science
4. The advanced worker of Shandong Research Institute of the Cancer Prevention and Treatment (Shandong provincial Cancer hospital)
5. The excellent Chi-Kung Master of Chinese society for Cancer Research Foundation-controlled therapy for prevention and treatment of tumor
Ⅱ. Academic part-time
1.Director of the Chinese society for Cancer Research Foundation-controlled therapy for prevention and treatment of tumor
2. Cancer rehabilitation branch of Shandong health care Association, Deputy Chairman of the Secretary-General
3. Cancer rehabilitation Committee of Shandong anti-cancer Association members
4. The Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of practical medicine experts, Executive Editor
5. Members of the Professional Committee of Shandong Institute of tumor with combination of TCM and Western medicine
6. Members of the Professional Committee of Chinese medicine societies of spleen and stomach disease in Shandong province
7. Visiting Professor, cancer rehabilitation health care Association Education Center in Shandong province
8. Shandong provincial health care Association physician speaker Bureau expert members
9. Shandong health magazine invited expert
Ⅲ.Scientific research results
1. Development of qilu lingzhi spore powder and anticancer activity third prize of science and technology of Shandong medicine of (2008-01-03-51-01) first
2. BRM biological preparations development of and study on biological treatment of malignant tumors Shandong traditional Chinese medicine science and technology award of (Z2007-2-4-1)first place
3. Diagnosis and treatment of tumor by TCM and WM 2006 third prize of excellent medical science and technology achievements in medical sciences in Shandong province first
4. Pharmaceutical composition for an agent and its preparation method and application of national invention patent (ZL2008 1 0014230.8) first place
5. A kind of Chinese drugs and Meridian Health insole national utility model patent (ZL2005 2 0085709.2) first place
6.Guide to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer with combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine and rehabilitation in Shandong Province Department of Health issued outstanding book award, Shandong province first
7. Shandong province science and Technology Commission and the outstanding middle-aged and young scientists scholarship program in Shandong Province "regulation of TCM treatment of gastrointestinal cancer biology experiment and clinical research" in December 2002 by the Shandong Education Commission third prize for excellent scientific achievements.Five-fifths
8.Recombinant interleukin Ⅱ clinical study on treating skin rash Simplex keratitis, Jining city, in October 2002, CST third prize for excellent scientific achievements Three-fifths
9.Shandong science and technology publishing house of the modern breast Oncology, Shandong provincial advanced technology Prize Committee in 1997, third prize of provincial science and technology
10.Shandong administration of traditional Chinese medicine projects "Huayu ruangan decoction treating chronic active hepatitis b clinical and experimental study of" in 1998 by the provincial education Committee organization identified as the leading domestic.Six-sixths
11.Shandong administration of traditional Chinese medicine projects "hepatitis c hepatitis treated by compound Chinese medicine anti-HCV, 1th of clinical and experimental study" in 1997 by the provincial education Committee organization identified as the leading domestic.Six-sixths
12.The first international Chinese medicine engineering academic conference papers presented to the General Assembly "traditional Chinese medicine theory and clinical application of tumor engineering", third prize of excellent scientific paper in 1993 awarded Shandong Academy of medical sciences, at the same time by the Shandong traditional Chinese medicine, integrative medicine, acupuncture society excellent paper award first
13.Dialectical theory of Yiqi Huayu therapy, Cancer Research Foundation in 1993 as China excellent paper top 1st
14.Treatment based on syndrome differentiation of cancerous fever, 1994 awarded Shandong province Youth Association for science and technology excellent paper award first
15.Xiao increasing decoction in treating hyperplasia of mammary glands, third prize of excellent scientific papers in medical sciences in 1998 awarded Shandong province first
16.Prodigiosin curative effect observation on treatment of leukopenia after chemotherapy, Shandong Provincial Academy of medical sciences in December 1999 as third prize for excellent scientific paper top 1st
17.Application of cisplatin in advanced lung cancer, in February 2001 as the journal of Chinese common clinical Golden prize for excellent scientific paper top 1st
18.Daphne anticancer treatment after chemotherapy of tumor immunosuppression 30 cases, in December 2003 as the Shandong traditional Chinese medicine Journal Journal of Shandong University of traditional Chinese medicine and the second prize for outstanding papers first
19.Sequential therapy of primary liver cancer treated by combination of TCM and Western medicine, Shandong Medical Association first prize for outstanding papers in July 2004 as the first
20.On the mechanism of primary liver cancer and removing blood stasis on HIV-related, Shandong Medical Association first prize for outstanding papers in July 2004 as the first
21.Study on TCM clinical application in tumor engineering system, third prize of excellent papers in 1993 awarded Shandong traditional Chinese medicine first
Ⅳ. Academic monographs
1. Guide to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer with combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine and rehabilitation of China Personnel Publishing House in July 2004.The Chief Editor
2. The grammar of the concise medical literature of Jinan’s Publishing House in May 2001. The Deputy Editor
3 The dermatology of traditional Chinese Medicine of Scientific Publishing House . The Editorial Board
4. The third series of the latest medical disease treatment of Tianjin science and technology translation publishing company published first
5.In October 1996, the modern breast Oncology of Shandong science and technology publishing house .The Editorial Board
6 .In July 2004, the progress of integrative medicine in Oncology of Shandong cultural audiovisual Publishing House The Editorial Board
Ⅴ.Publication of academic papers
1.1999 "from the perspective of structure and function of the principle of unity of Auricular points corresponding to the overall information transmission mechanism between the parts of" the holographic biomedical journal (United States) 1st
2.1999 "Chrono qigong and cancer rehabilitation" the times Journal of Medicine (United States) 1st
3.1999 "chaihu shugan powder combined with er Chen decoction in the treatment of drug-induced liver damage" the journal of Clinical Oncology) 1st
4.1998 's "increasing decoction in treating hyperplasia of mammary glands," the journal of Shandong traditional Chinese medicine 1st
5. 1996 "plus cisplatin in the treatment of 184 cases of clinical observation of advanced lung cancer in" the journal of qilu tumor 1st
6. 1993 "carboplatin and cisplatin in the treatment of 259 cases of clinical observation on advanced lung cancer" of the Chinese Journal of cancer first
7.In 1995, the modern theory of breast tumors of the Science and Technology Publishing House
8.In 1994 the dermatology of traditional Chinese medicine of the Science and Technology Publishing House
9.1999 "probe into the theory of traditional Chinese medicine modernization" of the journal of Zhejiang College of traditional Chinese medicine
10.1999 "observation of Kanglaite injection combined with chemotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer," the journal of qilu tumor 1st
11. December 1999 "the spirit of Lactobacillus in treatment of leukopenia after chemotherapy" of the cancer prevention and control in Sichuan province 1st
12.In June 2000, "Xiang anticancer treatment after chemotherapy of tumor immunosuppression of 30 cases of" the journal of Shandong traditional Chinese medicine 1st
13.In September 2000, "on the debate on the treatment of
diseases of primary liver cancer" of the Chinese Journal of practical traditional Chinese and Western medicine 1st
14.In September 2000, "Daphne anticancer prescription on clinical study of tumor immune regulation" of the Chinese Journal of practical traditional Chinese and Western medicine first
15.September 2002 "perfect tonic decoction on the HPF dose intensity regulation of research," the journal of Chinese clinical medicine 1st
16.In December 2002 "bazhen decoction combined with HPF in treatment of 51 cases of digestive system tumor" the journal of Shandong traditional Chinese medicine 1st
17.In April 2000 "Daphne of traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of advanced cancer" of the world's medical publishing house 1st
18. April 2001 "clinical application of cisplatin in advanced lung cancer," the Chinese common clinical studies 1st
19.In December 2002 "Chinese medicine treatment of 51 cases of digestive tract tumor" the journal of Shandong traditional Chinese medicine 1st
20.In August 2003 "applications on the system and the development of TCM theory" of the Chinese medical Forum 1st
21.In September 2003 "won g study on regulation of tumor-targeted nasal drops by method" of the Chinese medical Forum 1st
22.In November 2003, "clinical application of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in treatment of tumor" of the Chinese medical Forum 1st
23.In December 2003, "Kang spray skin clinical study on treatment of refractory decubitus" of the Chinese Journal of abdominal diseases 1st
24.In March 2004, "clinical study of lifein combined with chemotherapy in treatment of malignant pleural effusion" the journal of Clinical Oncology 1st
25.In March 2004 "tumors and blood stasis on HIV-related theory and preliminary study on detoxification zhuyu" the journal of Clinical Oncology 1st
26. In December 1999, "semi-Natsumi treatment esophageal cancer with Southern Star" the journal of Shandong traditional Chinese medicine
27.In January 2001, "radioactive pneumonia treated with combination of TCM and Western medicine" of the Chinese Journal of practical traditional Chinese and Western medicine
28.In December 2000 "with combination of TCM and Western medicine treatment of 40 cases of radioactive" the journal of Shandong traditional Chinese medicine
29.In December 2000, "P12 and nm23HI expression in gastric carcinoma and its clinical meaning" the journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
30.In March 2000 "of shenmai injection in treatment of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity in treatment," the journal of Clinical Oncology
31.In March 2004, "design and research of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis and clinical application of the principle" the journal of Clinical Oncology and 1st
32.In March 2004 "tumors and blood stasis and Toxin-resolving stasis therapy of HIV-related theory," the journal of Clinical Oncology 1st
33.In March 2004, "theory of dialectical power of qigong and Yiqi Huayu therapy" the journal of Clinical Oncology 1st
34.In March 2004, "clinical application of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis in treatment of tumors," the journal of Clinical Oncology 1st
35.In March 2004, "' wing ' on systems biology of tumor-targeted adjustment," the journal of Clinical Oncology 1st
36.Carboplatin and cisplatin in the treatment of 259 cases of clinical observation on advanced lung cancer of the Chinese Journal of cancer 1st
37.Observation on cisplatin in treating 184 cases of advanced lung cancer The Shandong medical 1st
38.New Probe into the mechanism of action of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in treatment of tumor
In 1989 the second part of QiLu information of traditional Chinese medicine 1st
39. On stasis on HIV-related mechanism of primary liver cancer In 1990, first issue of QiLu information of traditional Chinese medicine 1st
40. Modern pharmacological research on toxin-resolving stasis drugs In 1990, the second issue of QiLu information of traditional Chinese medicine 1st
41.Application of systems theory to research on the theoretical system of traditional Chinese medicine and its development strategy In 1990 the third issue of QiLu information of traditional Chinese medicine 1st
42.Qigong controlled clinical cure therapy for esophageal carcinoma: In 1989, the second issue of QiLu information of traditional Chinese medicine 1st
43.Primary liver cancer specimens of liver-Qi stagnation with spleen deficiency and countermeasure of traditional Chinese medicine of QiLu information of traditional Chinese medicine 1st
44.Theory of dialectical power of qigong and Yiqi Huayu therapy (i) of QiLu information of traditional Chinese medicine 1st
45.Theory of dialectical power of qigong and Yiqi Huayu therapy (ii) of QiLu information of traditional Chinese medicine 1st
46. Theory of dialectical power of qigong and Yiqi Huayu therapy (iii ) of QiLu information of traditional Chinese medicine 1st
47. Theory of dialectical power of qigong and Yiqi Huayu therapy (iv) of QiLu information of traditional Chinese medicine 1st
48. The treatment of Breast disease of traditional Chinese medicine 1st
49. Clinical application of activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis in treatment of tumor 1st
50.Skin cancer treatment based on syndrome differentiation 1st
51. Modern diagnosis technique on comprehensive application of traditional Chinese medicine in clinical liver cancer 1st
52. Modern technologies in detoxification zhuyu Pharmacology study on the characteristics of the application 1st
53. Detoxification zhuyu formulation on the combined application of primary liver cancer clinic 1st
54. Clinical study on viral etiology of primary liver cancer 1st
55.Healthy healthcare, 1th of sole and its scientific and practical research 1st
56.Cancerous fever based on syndrome differentiation 1st
57.Chinese Medicine tumor engineering theory and its application 1st
58.The Yellow Emperor's internal classic and liver cancer clinical 1st
59. Hua chansu induced by traditional Chinese medicine drug reports analysis 1st
60.Observation on therapeutic effect of sporoderm-broken Ganoderma lucidum spores powder combined with chemotherapy in treating malignant tumor , The Shandong Medical first
61.Experimental study on the anticancer activity of qilu lingzhi spore powder , Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment of 2007 1st
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