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擅长:中西医结合治疗颈椎病、颈椎间盘突出症、肩周炎、腰椎间盘突出症、腰椎管狭窄症、膝关节炎、半月板损伤、跟痛症、网球肘、腱鞘炎、颈胸腰椎... 完整擅长>>
现所在科室上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院远洋分院中医科,成立颈肩腰腿痛专科门诊,努力打造上海一流、国内领先的颈肩腰腿痛专科门诊,致力于颈肩腰腿痛的规范化治疗研究。曾师从上海陆氏针刀创始人学习目前成熟、稳定的针刀特色技术,吸取各地骨外科、骨伤科、石氏伤科、朱氏针刀、各针灸学派等对骨伤科疾病治疗优点和长处。多年骨伤科及针刀专科临床工作经验,对骨伤科疼痛疾病有独到见解和技术特长,提出一系列独特观点,不断总结疼痛治疗经验,在理论及实践层次有较大突破,经验理论尚未公开,配合自创推拿、正骨手法及中药验方,治疗立竿见影,疗效确切可靠,目前尚无失败病例,尚无发现严重副作用,不同于一般医院的治疗,如果颈肩腰腿痛患者经其他治疗效果不理想,或不愿做手术,可直接来我科诊治。国内领先,部分技术居国际领先水平。疗效之神奇,被国外患者称作是“Chinese Magic”(中国魔术),而患者本人则为“witness”(见证人)。完成上海市第一例92岁高龄腰突症、颈椎病伴冠心病、高血压、骨质疏松、膝关节炎等十余种疾病的针刀松解手术,目前患者恢复良好。

Brief introduction of the doctor
YinXiangfeng,male,was born in Shandong in 1980,attending physician of orthopaedics,the Han nationality,postgraduate of Orthopaedics of integrated traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine,Master of Medicine(MM),member of Shanghai association of integrative medicine,has practicing physicians double qualification combined with clinical practicing surgeons,traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.
He is the best-educated full-time staff of acupotomology in Shanghai,and even in the whole country.He has the rich life experience,learns erudite and informed,has a thorough knowledge of both western and traditional Chinese medicine,and has many years work experience in Department of Orthopaedics and traumatology,has an original view and technical expertise to the osteopathy.He has good sense of responsibility and working attitude.There is no failure case, and no serious side effects are found.At the same time,some patients were given Chinese herbal medication which was administered orally or applied externally.The magical effect,are called "Chinese Magic"by foreign patients.
He completed the first case of a 92 years old elderly lumbar disc herniation, cervical vertebra disease with coronary heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, arthritis and other more than ten kinds of diseases with Acupotomy operation of Shanghai, the patients recovered well.
He is now working at department of traditional Chinese medicine of Yuanyang branch hospital of Shanghai Ruijin hospital, which is clinical key disciplines and Characteristics Specialist of Shanghai TCM.He is mainly engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of pain diseases such as cervical spondylopathy,periarthritis of shoulder,lumbar disc herniation,knee osteoarthritis,calcanodynia,external humeral epicondylitis,peritendinitis,various soft tissue injury,and more.
Personal website:yinxiangfeng.haodf.com
Gospel of patients with pain,various orthopedic patients with pain can consult free.